These two charts tell you all you need to know about how disconnected Wall Street is from reality. Corporate profits are tanking. Consumer spending is tanking. Inflation in the things you need to live your everyday life is rising. Real median household income lingers at levels from 25 years ago. Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Ireland are more insolvent than they were three years ago. The EU is disintegrating. Japan is committing economic hara-kiri. China’s trillions of real estate mal-investment is going bust. The OPEC countries, along with Russia, Brazil and Mexico are seeing their economies destroyed by low priced oil.
The US shale oil boom is going bust rapidly. Without the $500 billion of subprime auto and student loan debt injected into the veins of the American debt drug addicts, the economy would officially be in recession. Instead, recession is only a fact of life for the 99%. This cannot be sustained. So it won’t. At this point, we don’t even need a trigger event. The house of cards is so high, it will tumble just due to its sheer size. Look out below.