Which Way Wednesday – Beige Books And Strong Bounces

Wow, what a fun day yesterday was!  

As you can see from Dave Fry’s SPY chart, we went up in the Futures 30 S&P points and then we fell from the open 30 S&P points and then we recovered into the close 30 S&P points.  This is what we call a “Bugs Bunny Market,” where Bugs throws a switch and people stamped in and out of the theater (5:00 on this video) -  and it’s not usually a good thing.  


[Chart by Dave Fry]

In fact, that’s the action we saw back on 2/28, when I was warning people to get to cash and, in fact, I tweeted out a similar comment (with the same video link) and our trade idea for playing the next 45 days was:

TZA/Craig – Well, the April $14/17 is still doable at $1.30 and you can sell the $15 puts for .88 for net .42 now. 

Even with the Russell’s bounce off our 1,100 goal yesterday, TZA is still at $17.65 and the April spread, which expires tomorrow, is net $1.90 – up a very nice 350% in 45 days (you can follow me on Twitter here, but I rarely tweet our Member Trade Ideas – for those, you have to sign up HERE).  


[Chart by Dave Fry]

We actually flipped long on the Russell during our Live Trading Webcast at 1pm yesterday, catching it pretty much on the button and I showed people, LIVE, how to make hundreds of dollars in just 15 minutes trading the Futures (replay available here). 

In yesterday’s post, I reminded you we were shorting oil at $104 and we caught a $500 per contract move back to $103.50 but then (also live in the Webcast), we decided to wait for $105ish to re-short today (/CL Futures).  This morning, I posted early (6:22) to our Members that we had our shorting opportunity at $104.95 and already (8:06)we’re back to $104.65 and that’s good for $300 per contract after a hard morning’s work – plenty of money for breakfast!  

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