When Will The Monetary System Crack?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: Thank you so much for coming in front of the curtain. Your views are absolutely enlightening. You provide colour to events from experience and I have sat in meetings at the …….. bank shocked at the lack of understanding that emerges from the board of directors. You are correct. They are the people who are simply bureaucrats lacking any experience in the field they pretend to direct. I can see from our own movement of capital on behalf of clients that they are indeed just trying to get off the “grid” as you eloquently put it. They seem to be focused on real estate, but there are some starting to notice the American stock market even here in London. I can also see what you are talking about with capital flows and the dollar rally that seems inevitable from the European perspective even though I am not allowed to speak to the press working in a bank.

My question is just this. Will the monetary system crash in 2020 or will it be on the next cycle in 2024?

Thank you again from those in the field who can only read and not speak. You do it for us. Good on ya


PS It is interesting to watch people trying to plagiarise you claiming to see war cycles and trends without any depth of what lies behind it.

1963 $1 note (600)

ANSWER: I am dealing with this question in the coming Gold Report. However, suffice it to say the crisis years are 1932 – 1963 – 1995 – 2026 based upon the Pi cycle. There is also the Monetary Crisis Cycle that I will deal with in the report. Of course, 1932 was not just the low in the US share market and the incident of the Bonus Army, it was the Presidential election that shifted power to the Democrats. FDR swore the night before the election in a radio address that it was absurd that he would confiscate gold. This rumor was being spread and the defense against it was the typical conspiracy theory argument. FDR nonetheless devalued the dollar subsequently and confiscated gold making 1932 the real effective peak.

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