What Stocks Will Win If The Trump Tax Plan Passes Congress?

It’s Election Day! I hope you all do your civil duty as an American and get out there and vote today!

As you make your way to the polling stations, please keep in mind the TAX impact on everything and everyone who gets your vote. Why? Because the Trump Administration is looking to reform the US tax code for the first time in over 30 years. The last major change was signed by President Reagan in 1986 and since then the tax code has gone from less than 30,000 pages to over 70,000 pages — I doubt anyone in Congress has read the whole thing.

We’ve talked about the potential elimination of the Estate (Death) Tax and what that means for most Americans (in case you didn’t read the article, it means nothing for most Americans), but one part we haven’t discussed yet is the proposal that corporate America’s bottom line will grow dramatically if the corporate tax rate is slashed from 35% to 20%. 

Personally, I don’t see either of these becoming reality to that magnitude, namely because it would be impossible to eliminate all of these taxes without deficits going completely out of whack. 

However, in the unlikely scenario that it passes, there will be winners and losers on Wall Street and regardless of what goes on in the political environment, I’m here to help you make money by pointing out the winners. So today, let’s talk about a few of these sectors. You can get more information on these at CNN Money‘s website.

Winner #1: Tech Titans

Wall Street is literally drooling over this possibility. Major tech companies will be more likely to repatriate cash if the corporate tax rate is slashed. Many large American companies have hoarded nearly $1.3 trillion in cash overseas because there it cannot be subject to US taxes. Once that money is brought back to the United States, it will be taxes at the aforementioned corporate tax rates. The goal is to get companies to deploy more cash to create jobs by building more operations domestically and potentially returning it to investors in the form of dividends and share buybacks. 

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