Wednesday Weakness – Will The Fed Turn Us Back Up?

Wheeee – what a ride!  

As nasty as our Big Chart looks at the moment, we only have two Vomiting Cobra Patterns (Nasdaq and Russell) while the other three indexes are still forming Spitting Cobras, which are only LIKELY to head lower.

Today we run right into an inflection point as the Federal Reserve releases the Minutes of their last meeting at 2pm, followed by Evans (dove) speaking at 3:30 and Tarullu (dove) speaking at 7pm, in case the Asian markets don’t get the message about how doveish we intend to be the first time.  

Forget the Ukraine, there’s an all-out Global currency war being waged even as we speak and yesterday the Dollar was the clear winner by losing 1% of its value in a single day.  With over 250 days left until the end of the year, that extrapolates out to -150% by Christmas, which means you’d better start shopping now, before your next IPhone costs $1,000 (if you can even afford the gas to get to the store, that is).  

While a weak currency may not be good for those of you with JOBS, who get paid in Dollars or those of you with small businesses, who buy more and more expensive raw materials and then have to accept Dollars from your customers – for our Corporate Citizens, it could not be better – as they sell 50% of their goods overseas so a weak Dollar is great for sales and it lowers the relative wages they pay US workers and, of course, it makes Dollar debt so much cheaper to pay back.  

That is how the Interests of our Corporate Citizens and the Government align.  Our Government also has a lot of debt to pay back, but they have to pay it back in Dollars and, the less the Dollar is worth, the cheaper it is for them to pay it back. USUALLY, when your currency is weak, interest rates rise to compensate – so there’s a check and balance to the system but the Fed has destroyed those checks and balances, allowing us to devalue our currency with NO CONSEQUENCES – EVER!!!

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