We Won’t Be Fooled Again

Financial firm Calamos Asset Management (CLMS) has been a slight disappointment since we bought 277 shares on Oct. 26, 2012 for $10.80. We averaged down on 223 more shares @ $9.51 a month later. We’ve collected some nice dividends and seen plenty of insider buying since then.

The stock hasn’t done as much as we hoped. It has made a few dramatic surges only to retrace back to lower ground. EPS have not impressed during the bull market when assets under management (AUM) should have grown nicely.

 CLMS 1-yr.

Market Shadows did not cash out on the sharp rally last March. We won’t be fooled again.  We sold our 500 share position for $11.92 this morning.

 CLMS quote

Our first buy netted a 10.37% profit while the oft-criticized ‘average down’ technique provided a healthier, 25.34% gain. The approximately 4% annual dividend we earned is not reflected in those figures.

$5,960 in net sales proceeds go into our cash reserve fund.

You can see all the closed-out and current holdings in our Virtual Value Fund by clicking here.

If all our disappointments end as well as this one, we will be quite satisfied.

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