Valentine’s Week Brought Hearty Gains

Equity prices re-inflated quickly after the bears got giddy on February 4th.  All three major indices posted greater than 2% gains this week.

 Valentine Balloons with VVP Comment

Our original $100,000 stake closed out the week at $137,241. We hold about 15.9% in cash right now awaiting the right names and the best prices to put those dollars back to work.

 VVP as of Feb. 14, 2014

We remain nicely ahead of the S&P 500 ETF (SPY) since getting started not quite sixteen months ago. Market Shadows has been more actively selling puts than buying shares lately. Rather than chasing moving targets we will either buy new positions cheaply, or get paid not to buy.

See details on all our equity and options trades here Market Shadows Virtual Portfolios.


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