Using Your NCAA Bracket To Help Your Investing

Regular readers know that I love using sports to find investment insights. There are three reasons:

  1. Plentiful data – both before the event and afterwards;
  2. Specific odds from prediction markets and pundits – even better than we have in stocks;
  3. The comparison forces investors to abandon market preconceptions, thinking about questions in a different way.

What can we learn from the problem of filling out your NCAA bracket?

The Popular NCAA Upset

Investors who listen to the “bracketology pundits” for a few minutes will find it familiar. There are plenty of buzzwords and opinions, but little supporting data.

One popular theme is that you should search for a good upset in your brackets and the best place to start is when the Regional 5-seed plays the 12-seed. There is some logic here. Let’s look at the actual a priori odds for these games, taken from the excellent TeamRankings site:

These are the odds of advancing for each round, so the last column is “winning it all.”

5     Oklahoma     West     65.3%     34.1%     10.0%     4.2%     1.4%     0.5%

5     Cincinnati     East     61.5%     26.8%     11.6%     5.7%     2.3%     0.9%

5     Saint Louis     MidW     56.8%     14.4%     4.3%     1.6%     0.5%     0.2%

5     VCU         South     69.9%     37.5%     13.3%     6.4%     3.0%     1.2%

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