Then & Now – Always The Same

DJ2731-W False Move

We are at the 1927 Phase of events that is important to understand. There has historically always been a difference in economics trends between Europe and America. This became self-evident back in 1720 that was the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles. One of the earliest forecasts that our computer made back in 1980 was that Britain would separate economically from Europe and align more with the United States. This was a shocking forecast that made no sense to me. Countries just do not invert economic trends so easily. Because of that forecast, I really had to develop the means to communicate with this machine and to inquire what was behind that forecast.



After teaching it language and the ability to communicate, Socrates began to teach me. This forecast was spectacular for this was the correlation models, not the laptop version that only analyze individual markets. When the global correlation models were developed, this is where the real AI came into existence. The computer had correlated all the European economies and markets the discovery of the North Sea Oil changed the dynamics of the entire layout. The introduction of energy shifted the British economy and was aligning it with America rather than continental Europe. This shift has been maintained and is part of the reason the British pound still exists against the euro.

1927-Secret Cental Bank Meeting


Now we see still the long-range impact of that forecast made so long ago. To this day, the central banks are splitting and moving in separate directions. Interest rates will rise in Britain and the USA against going negative in Europe, This is precisely the same event that kicked off the Phase Transition into 1929. The central bankers had a secret meeting in 1927 and the USA lowered interest rates in an attempt to deflect the capital inflows into the USA from Europe. That confirmed Europe was in trouble and set the stage for the subsequent events including World War II that would not have taken place but for the economic crash in 1931 that even brought Adolf Hitler to power in 1933 along with Mao in China and FDR in the USA. It is ALWAYS economics.

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