The Money Valve IV

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In the final article of examining the nature of the Money Valve of Central Banking, we will look at the end stages of the Waste Based Economy, along with a few of the parameters not included on what are quite simplified diagrams to make the total flow of downhill energy consumption apparent. It is quite possible to dissect many of these areas further, which I may do at a future date, but the global implications are obvious just from this level of analysis.

In Part I, we just looked at gross energy flow mediated by the Money Valve with this diagram:

Click to enlarge

The basic flowchart turning resources into waste through the Money Valve of Central Banks is straightforward and easy to understand. However, it does not look at all the various Feedback Loops that are engineered into the system in order to keep it operating. Most notably what is not included in the diagram is how Goobermint and the Military are involved, or how taxation and interest serve to capture wealth out of the system for the Elite class of society.

This diagram is basic, but it doesn’t show how the various parts of the Machine of Industrial Capitalism work in synergy. To elucidate that, I set up a Web Connections diagram to look at the most important connections and relationships in this sort of economy. This diagram itself is simplified, there are many further levels you could go to dissecting up the whole economy, but IMHO at a certain point this becomes a waste of time, because the conclusions are obvious just from this set of parameters. Here is the basic Web we are working with here:

Click to enlarge

Now we can take a look at the last waypoints in the system before the Energy which once was underground for a few million years ends up as Landfill where it will rot for the next few million years, until the Sun goes Red Giant.

12- Factories

I put Factories separate from Industry because they are not precisely synonymous, Industry is everything that surround the production and sales of goods and services, whereas Factories are just the physical infrastructure used  to produce the goods. Factories are only a part of an Industry.

Factories are important separately though because they are what require the maintenance, and they are what produce the most pollutants in the waste from production, and of course their placement around the world determines who gets a Job in some 3rd World country now and who does not. Few people here in Amerika work in Factories anymore, our Industry is Credit production, and generally speaking we continue to survive by living off debt issued to ever more countries around the world, which of course is irredeemable debt they will never be able to pay off, but who cares? We’ll just keep rolling it over and issuing out MOAR debt. As mentioned before, this keeps working until it doesn’t.

13- Products

The End of the Line on the “productive” end of this sort of economy, which brings to your doorstep via order on via Fed-Ex truck everything from Iphones to Netflix Movies. Condoms to Viagra and beyond. Every last one of these products though ends up as Waste in some Landfill somewhere. Gotta love that Newzspeak; call it what it is, aDUMP! Nothing is really “built to last” because if it was, the company making the thing couldn’t stay in biz and sell more of them! Everything has a Planned Obsolesence built in, from Carz to Iphones. Some things have slightly longer lifespans then others, for instance the original Verrazano Narrows Bridge lasted about 60 years, but now that one is destined for the Dump as so much Scrap Metal and Concrete. All the McMansions you live in are Ticky Tacky stuff that won’t last more than a year or two once the lights go out. All the Skyscrapers are useless Phallic Symbols once the Elevators no longer function and you can’t pump water up more than 6 stories to flush the toilets. There isn’t a single thing produced by Industrial Culture besides perhaps some Lodge Logic Cast Iron Cookware that might have a lifespan of more than a Century here in it before it is also Waste. Once it is in the Dump and the energy is not there to replace it, it is gone for good.

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