The Coming Week’s Top Market Movers, Lessons: A Normal Bull Market Correction?

How bullish and bearish forces align for stocks, indexes, forex and other global markets, both technical and fundamental outlooks, likely top market movers.


–Technical Outlook: Regional divergences and their implications

–Fundamental Outlook 1: The state of the key market underpinnings and other lessons

– Fundamental Outlook 2: Likely market drivers for the coming week

The following is a partial summary of the conclusions from the weekly analysts’ meeting in which we cover outlooks for the major pairs for the coming week and beyond.

Technical Picture

We look at the technical picture first for a number of reasons, including:

Chart Don’t Lie: Dramatic headlines and dominant news themes don’t necessarily move markets. Price action is critical for understanding what events and developments are  and are not actually driving markets. There’s nothing like flat or trendless price action to tell you to discount seemingly dramatic headlines – or to get you thinking about why a given risk is not being priced in

Charts Also Drive Markets: Support, resistance, and momentum indicators also move markets, especially in the absence of surprises from top tier news and economic reports.

Overall Risk Appetite Medium Term Per Weekly Charts Of Leading Global Stock Indexes

The Coming Week’s Top Market Movers, Lessons: A Normal Bull Market Correction?

The Coming Week’s Top Market Movers, Lessons: A Normal Bull Market Correction?

Weekly Charts Of Large Cap Global Indexes April 21 2013 – Present, With 10 Week/200 Day EMA In Red: LEFT COLUMN TOP TO BOTTOM: S&P 500, DJ 30, FTSE 100, MIDDLE: CAC 40, DJ EUR 50, DAX 30, RIGHT: HANG SENG, MSCI TAIWAN, NIKKEI 225

Key For S&P 500, DJ EUR 50, Nikkei 225 Weekly Chart: 10 Week EMA Dark Blue, 20 WEEK EMA Yellow, 50 WEEK EMA Red, 100 WEEK EMA Light Blue, 200 WEEK EMA Violet, DOUBLE BOLLINGER BANDS: Normal 2 Standard Deviations Green, 1 Standard Deviation Orange.

Source: MetaQuotes Software Corp,,

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