The Coming Wage And Debt Slave War

The western parasite guild has moved quickly to install an central banker stooge in the Ukraine and has prepared an economic austerity plan. First, the 11 billion euros that the EU is offering Kiev is not aid but yet another loan. Then, in what has been and will be a familiar pattern, is the putting in place of a pure wage and debt slavery regime complete with Massahs. Ukrainian pensions will be cut from $160 to $80 a month, social services will be cut, government workers will be laid off, and key assets will be looted. The Ukraine is a valuable breadbasket. Western Parasite Guild members that lent money to Ukraine can then be bailed out with IMF and other loans from public sources.

As I wrote last week, the Russians will try and save their ethnic enclaves and then, after the guildist loot of Ukraine and the wage slavery regime is well underway, they can say “we told you so” as part of a grander plan.

The biggest question of all is whether the Russians — and more importantly the Chinese, Indian, Brazilians and others — will finally decide that the costs outweigh the waning benefits from the forces of global monetary inflation and U.S. hegemony. The Ukraine is but an ongoing round. Developing nations have $1.5 trillion of corporate obligations coming due by the end of 2015. Sovereign debt is coming due daily.

Who will eat this obvious loss: the guildists or the wage/debt slaves? Will the Icelandic or Greek model be incorporated? One way to gauge the outcome is to measure foreign central bank custodial holdings of parasite guild paper. The trend so far this year has been generally soft, in part because developing and emerging countries have used up reserves in currency defenses.

Another battleground emerging involves whether developing countries will allow the U.S. to keep its veto powers in the IMF. Even “partners” like Germany and Australia have long been asking that this be given up. Meanwhile, Congress is set to block this reform. Those might be additional “fightin’ words” to the developing world at this point, especially as a divide materializes around the manner of the IMF-Ukraine debt/wage slave bail out and model. Every developing country in the world knows the Ukraine could soon be them. This might open the gateway for Russia to galvanize China, India, Brazil and others to staunchly oppose both the continued U.S. IMF veto, the Ukraine package and even the whole notion of Anglo debt/wage slave hegemony.

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