Taking Stock On Bloomberg: Expose The Corruption

I thank Bill Cohan, Carol Massar, and those at Bloomberg for having me on the show Taking Stock yesterday afternoon to address my take on the recent guilty verdict handed down in the Madoff employees case, corruption within the financial-political-regulatory system, and recent developments within the executive offices at JP Morgan.

Those who have read my book In Bed with Wall Street: The Conspiracy Crippling Our Global Economy will understand exactly what I mean when I say in this 5-minute interview that we need to “expose the corruption.”



For those who have not yet read the book — I hope you will — but would like to know more specifically what I am referring to when I make the statement that we need to “expose the corruption,” I am speaking of the following all of which is voluminously detailed in the book:

investor abuse within what I define as Wall Street’s largest scam, the ARS market; kangaroo courts within the arbitration process on Wall Street; misappropriation of funds and lies within the merger process that formed Wall Street’s self-regulatory organization, FINRA; sham investor protection within SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation); whistleblowers being violated and abused by Wall Street banks, the SEC, and FINRA .  .  . and more.

All of these corruptible practices go straight to the integrity of the regulatory oversight of our markets and the protection of your investments and retirement funds.

I hope those who view this clip might care enough about exposing corruption so as to share this video with your friends and colleagues. Be confident and rest assured that this material does work its way back to those within the regulatory offices on Wall Street and in Washington.


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