Stocks Are Dumping As Biotechs And Momos Resume Drop

Oh the dashed hopes… Just as we warned earlier… the dreams that yesterday was the dip to get back in and ride the waves of central bank largesse to another double in your favorite social media or Biotech stock are fading fast. Today is an almost perecect replay of yesterday’s market action so far… pre-open Gold dump, JPY pump to sustain stocks at highs, spark retail bounce buyers back in and pros sell into strength as the “high growth” momentum stocks and Biotechs all reverse earlier gains in a hurry as all major stock indices are once again red post-Yellen.

From earlier…

everyone is asking: will it be deja vu all over again, and after a solid ramp into 9:30 am, facilitated without doubt by the traditional Yen carry trade, will stocks roll over as first biotech and then all other bubble stocks are whacked? We will find out in just over two hours.


Which leaves all indices red post-FOMC…

USDJPY and stocks doing the deja vu all over again dance…

As “high growth” hope stocks tumble…

And Biotech plunges back to red…

Charts: Bloomberg

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