Semiconductor Stocks, While Biding Time

Unlike people making a big deal about PDAC over the last few weeks (I really do not care what is going on in the world of small would-be miners, each with a pitch at the ready) I find freedom in being a macro market person who just happens to be a precious metals bull.  That means when the precious metals are not happening (like this week’s expected reaction) I am able to literally deal in a world full of markets.

With a great big hat tip to an NFTRH subscriber (who seems to know exactly what I like in charts) the chart below shows my current Semiconductor holdings that are making a day like today in the precious metals a little easier to handle.


I spent one night pouring over charts of about 50 Semiconductor stocks and came up with a couple of the above (the rest came by some nice finger pointing by the above ref’d subscriber).  These are my ‘will SOX or won’t SOX breakout?’ plays.

I could keep them no longer than today or through the duration of a would-be stock market mania blow off.  It is really up to the market. But the point of this post is that there is more going on in the markets than just the precious metals, which have not yet fully asserted a strong fundamental underpinning yet.

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