Scottish Independence – An Establishment Nightmare

Former War Bureaucrat Whines About Scotland’s Independence Drive

It is absolutely certain that not only the UK establishment, but the political elite of all of Europe is looking forward to Scotland’s independence referendum with great trepidation. If Scotland votes ‘yes’ to independence, it will likely be the first of many dominoes. It is a step toward greater freedom for citizens and less power for the ruling elite. In other words, it is definitely a step in the right direction and very likely will set an example.

Spain’s central government is trying to deny Catalonia a similar referendum (more on that in the next article), and we bet if Scotland succeeds and secedes, it will inter alia have the effect of invigorating the Catalonian independence campaign.

Opponents of Scottish independence are falling back on tried and true scaremongering tactics, which are usually also heavily deployed whenever EU-related referendums come up. Loud whining coupled with straw man arguments could (once again) be heard from a former war bureaucrat, retired NATO general secretary and defense minister under Toni Blair, Lord George Robertson:

“Scottish independence would have a “cataclysmic” impact on the world, a former Nato general secretary has warned in a stark intervention in the referendum debate. Britain’s enemies would “cheer loudest” and “the forces of darkness would simply love it” if the UK broke up, Lord (George) Robertson said.

Allowing the West’s second military power to be plunged into a “difficult and debilitating divorce” would rob allies of a crucial partner in an era of international turmoil, he added.

Lord Robertson, defense secretary under Tony Blair between 1997 and 1999, also suggested Alex Salmond’s pro-Nato stance was an “electoral fix” which contradicted the SNP’s opposition to nuclear weapons. He said the 28 Nato members were unlikely to allow a country join which specifically barred ships carrying nuclear weapons from entering its waters, as outlined currently by the SNP.”

The ‘forces of darkness’ would rejoice! Verily, it would be a cataclysm! Presumably it would also start raining dead frogs, the rivers would run red, and a plague of locusts would soon descend on the fertile fields of Albion.

What utter hogwash. Given that he was once a powerful military bureaucrat, it is probably only natural that a looming ‘loss of territory’ would appear worrisome to the good Lord Robertson. We would suggest that the putative ‘enemies’ mainly reside in his imagination, and even if they didn’t, they couldn’t possibly care less whether Scotland remains part of the UK or not. As to the idea that a country that is against nuclear weapons is unable to join NATO, it makes one wonder how Germany manages to be a NATO member. Besides, there is zero mileage in NATO membership for Scotland anyway – it will only going to cost it money that could be put to better uses and suck it into wars in far-away places. Scotland should actually think twice about joining that particular club. After all, who’s going to invade it? The Vikings?

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