Recent Stock Purchase II January 2016

With a volatile January behind us I was able to make several small purchases in my accounts as I wanted to use up free trades that were credited and set to expire at the end of the month. I managed to scrounge up a few hundred dollars per trade and figured at zero commission I might as well take advantage and put even small dollar amounts to work earning passive income. With that being said, I’d like to highlight my recent small buys.

I have added to my taxable account 11.0000 shares at $35.12 for a total investment of $386.32 in Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (ADM). With this recent purchase my taxable account holdings in ADM now totals 101.4118 shares for a value of $3,584.91.

I have added to my ROTH account 6.0000 shares at $61.53 for a total investment of $369.16 in Caterpillar Inc. (CAT). With this recent purchase my ROTH account holdings in CAT now totals 50.8596 shares for a value of $3,165.50. I also hold 71.2854 shares of CAT in my taxable account.

Finally, I added to my IRA account 13.0000 shares at $29.87 for a total investment of $388.30 in Care Capital Properties, Inc. (CCP). With this recent purchase my IRA account holdings in CCP now totals 20.0991 shares for a value of $601.77.

As you can see, each of my purchases were rather small as I simply wanted to take advantage of my free trades which were expiring in each of my trading accounts. Nevertheless, small orders or large, the end result is the same. Putting money to work and enabling that dividend snowball to grow further.

What do you think about my recent buys? Are any of these names on your current watch list? Please let me know below.

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