Podcast: All The President’s Bankers With Nomi Prins



Presidents and Bankers joined at the hip for a long, long time — Nomi Prins

Ellen’s guest this week is renowned banking wonk, writer and former investment insider (and TalkMarkets contributor) Nomi Prins. Nomi’s blockbuster book All the President’s Bankers has just been released.

Nomi discloses the longstanding personal and political ties between Washington and Wall Street that have enabled the concentration of global wealth into the hands of a few.  Ellen brings these historical facts together with the current bank rap sheet of fraud, conspiracy and bailouts that characterize the landscape of big bank business, and discusses new reports and a definitive study showing that these inside-power connections, not the public interest, run America.

On this week’s Public Banking Report, co-host Walt McRee talks with Gwen Hallsmith, the new Executive Director of the Public Banking Institute, about a just-launched series of classes called “The New Economy Academy.

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