Plus500’s Co-Founder Sold His $41 Million worth of Shares

A notification letter released on Plus500’s website revealed the company’s co-founder Shimon Sofer selling his majority of shares. – Within days after its exceptional performance at the stock market, Plus500 (LON: PLUS) released a rather dismissive notification about his own co-founder selling his $41 million worth of stocks, while inevitably parting from the company eventually. The investors’ mood however remained untouched, and the publicly listed CFD broker managed to stay on the top of the game.

How Plus500 managed to hold the bullish sentiment is another story. Before Shimon’s notification was released officially, the company held its share prices at 400 pence all Wednesday, managing to earn a total sale of 5.1 million shares at the end of Friday, indicating market a rather strong bullish sentiment towards the stock.


The step was taken based on a manual analysis that indicated an 8.6% drop in Plus500’s shares, right after Mr. Sofer sold his 1.5 million shares in January. But holding the similar notification for almost a week have proved to be a greater gamble, as Plus500’s share prices are now approaching 500 pence. Mr. Sofer meanwhile does not require to release his share sales report publicly anymore, as it has dropped below 3%.

Earlier, the company had an impressive revenue collection of $111.5 million, which was 105% more than its previous year revenue. We have reported the Plus500’s last quarter of 2013 doing most of the tricks with active customers increasing to 35pc, while the average amount spent by them on financial bets improving by 35pc.

We meanwhile offer wishes to Mr. Sofer for his $41 million fortune after parting with the company.

To contact the reporter of the story: Jonathan Millet at

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