Our Stock Of The Year Turns Out To Be The Best Stock Of The Year!

Apple knocked it out of the park! 

Last night, AAPL reported the most profitable quarter of any company in history – EVER!!! – making $18.04Bn in the last 3 months of 2014.  That’s $8.3M per hour in PROFIT with almost $1Bn/day in revenues ($74.6Bn for the quarter).  The company made $3.06 for each $109 share and that was already up 10% since last Q.  

I’m sure NOW it is obvious why AAPL was our Trade of the Year in 2012 ($52 when we made that pick) as well as 2013 ($72) and again this December, even though it was alread hitting $110 after the split. Of course, we didn’t just play the stock at PSW, we played the options and our Top Trade Idea for Dec 17th was:

  • 20 2017 $90/120 bull call spreads at $13.50 ($27,000)
  • 20 short 2017 $85 puts at $9.50 ($19,000) 

Our 2013 Trade of the Year is pictured on the left and made the full 614% expected and our 2014 Trade of the Year parlayed that money into the following:

  • 10 2016 $450/600 bull call spreads at $65 ($65,000)
  • 10 short 2016 $450 puts for $41 ($41,000)

That trade is already 100% in the money and will make the full $126,000 (525%) if AAPL holds $85.72 (post split), which is why we were able to be be nice and aggressive with our 2015 Trade of the Year, going for another 650% if AAPL is over $120 in Jan 2017.  I know it sounds boring to keep picking AAPL for our top trade 3 years in a row but I don’t know a better, safer way that we could have made 614%, 525% and now 650% on our money 3 years in a row than betting on the fact that AAPL was severely undervalued by the market (here’s me on TV on 12/19 discussing the Apple trade).  

We don’t ALWAYS pick AAPL – our 2012 Trade of the Year was BAC, which turned out to be the best-performing stock in the S&P (SPY) for 2012 and that option combination (all picked live on TV and, of course, in our Member Chat Room at www.Philstockworld.com) returned 350% so, had you taken an initial $5,000 and put it into our 4 consecutive trade ideas, it would look like this:

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