Obama Leads in Ohio 51:48 – CNN Projection – EUR/USD

According to the projection by CNN, Obama is the winner in Ohio, a key state in the presidential elections. If this is also seen in the real results, it will be hard for challenger Mitt Romney to find enough votes to change the situation. A 3% gain is significant, but far from final.

Update: Obama is re-elected – EUR/USD jumps towards resistance – will the dollar continue weakening, or could this turn around?

EUR/USD is now sliding lower to 1.2788.

North Carolina is a tie according to CNN: 49:49 – like Virginia.

Earlier, CNN projected a tie in Virginia, and non-battleground states were won as expected: Vermont to Obama and Kentucky to Romney. A tie was reported in Florida, but this is an early stage.

Further reading:

  •  US Election Results Timetable
  • How to Trade the US Presidential Elections with EUR/USD
  • 5 Reasons Why Greece Could Leave the Euro-Zone After the US Elections
  • Trade idea: Sell EUR/USD on Obama Win, Buy AUD/USD on Romney Win

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