Non-Farm Friday – America Still Not Working


Sorry but this “rally” is just too much BS for me.

As you can see from Dave Fry’s SPY chart, we’re running up on ZERO volume in the Futures and then we sell off all day on very low volume(because there are no buyers and the Funds are exiting slowly) and then we have dip at the finish as the ETFs that HAVE to buy at MOC (Market on Close) pricing get shares jammed down their throats by the pumpers.  

It’s a complete and utter farce and completely ignored by the MSM, especially the Financial Media, who just play along as if none of this matters.  While you may consider the manipulation of currency and metals markets to be news (both are under international investigation at the moment) – it doesn’t rate a mention in the Financial Media, who’s advertising revenue comes mainly from the companies that are being investigated for fraud and manipulation.

You know about the LIBOR scandal, you know Credit Suisse helped their top 1% clients evade taxes (duh!) and finally got caught, you know JP Morgan was fined the GDP of Jamaica for various wrongdoings, as were BAC and other Banksters – yet you still have your money in those banks, don’t you?  Fraud, manipulation, tax evasion, forging mortgage documents…. it’s all just the business the Banksters are in, isn’t it?  And we accept it – even though we are the people they are committing all these crimes against.  What the f*ck is wrong with us?  

And these same criminal organizations, these same fraudulent operations – are the same ones who are telling us to put all our money into the stock market by endlessly upgrading the companies they have banking relationships with – like Morgan Stanley’s very questionable pumping of TSLA last week, the day before their bond sale – which was underwritten by Morgan Stanley.  

There’s not even an investigation about that one – it’s just business as usual on Wall Street.  Normally I don’t care, because we love a rigged game – as long as we can figure out how it’s rigged and play along with the manipulators.  But now we are getting to the point where this blatantly engineered stock market bubble is once again in danger of damaging the economy – just 5 years after the last crash (see the classic “Stock Market Crash – Year One Review” for historical perspective).  

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