Nomi Prins: All The President’s Bankers

This is a walk through the twentieth century, and how the United States became, by design, a combination military, industrial, and financial global superpower.  And how the US dollar hegemony was created over a number of political administrations by groups of well connected, powerful families and friends.

It may seem a bit long, but she opens it for questions about the 48 minute mark, so it really is not. Nomi speaks briskly with many fact laden vignettes and scenarios that help to explain how the current system has evolved.

The facts she brings out about the 50’s onwards were sometimes new to me, and absolutely fascinating. About minute 40 she shows the culmination of this historical process with the Clinton Whitehouse, and begins to describe where we are today, and how it appears that the problem will be insoluble without some major events taking place to change this alliance in power between the financial and the political.

The talk served to solidify some of my own thinking, and removed some of the shadows of doubt that I have had about where things are going and why.

She does is not able to delve into the international ties between the global central Banks, particularly between London and New York.  She instead concentrates on what she might call ‘the Big Six’ of American Banks, which is a large enough subject itself.

I strongly recommend that you listen to it if you are at all interested in this subject.

 Or if you have the time to invest, you may wish to read her book which also sounds very interesting.  I have not done so yet, and I am not sure when I could get to it. 

But this video is a very good start, and will probably make you much better informed than 90 percent of the people out there.  Whether that is a good thing or not is another matter.

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