No to Scottish Independence say major networks

Sky News, the Guardian and the BBC now see a clear picture for a No vote, even if there still is a mathematical chance for a Yes. The Better Together campaign is celebrating. The Yes campaign is not conceding yet, but the mood is quite sour.

Scotland says No – it’s almost official.

And that’s it: Scotland officially rejects independence – it’s all over

Is GBP/USD beginning to sell the fact? The pair is still trading around 1.65, not challenging the highs seen early in the evening.

At the time of writing, 26 out of 32 regions have made their counts officials, and there is a 54% lead for the No Thanks campaign. Data is still missing from Edinburgh.

This current lead matches the result seen in YouGov’s poll that was held after the vote.

On the upside, we have 1.6523, which was the high of the day. On the downside we have 1.6445. We are still in the Asian session and liquidity is thin.

Edinburgh also says No, and it’s the capital.

Update: after 29/;32 declared, the No needs just around 85K votes for this to be officially over.

Here is a recent chart of GBP/USD showing a slide at the same time that the No vote is consolidating:

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