Have you been lying in bed at night, dreaming of a day when Microsoft () would release Copilot for iPhone and iPad? Have you caught yourself daydreaming about how great it would be if you could have a standalone Copilot app instead of the standalone ChatGPT app?No? Me neither. But that’s OK, because engineers at Microsoft have been busy over the holiday break, and now standalone Copilot mobile apps are available for Android, iOS, and iPad in their respective app stores.Like the ChatGPT app from OpenAI, the Copilot app harnesses OpenAI’s GPT-4 for generating responses to user queries. This integration offers an enhanced interaction experience compared to the GPT-3.5 model used in the free version of ChatGPT. Like the ChatGPT app, the iOS version of Copilot also has access to DALL-E (OpenAI’s text-to-image model).Why is Microsoft creating standalone apps that are basically wrapped, MS-branded versions of ChatGPT apps? Three guesses – and the first two don’t count.More By This Author:
Microsoft Copilot For IOS Is Here