Measuring Global Bank Complexity

Econintersect:  Prof. Marc Lavoie of the University of Ottawa conducted a workshop discussion 22 March 2014 at the University of Missouri Kansas City on the topic of Stock-Flow analysis for economic system modeling. The slides used in this workshop have been made available through Slide Share.  This workshop is theDocumentary of the Week video posted 30 March 2014.

Slide show available after the Read more >> jump.

Prof. Marc Lavoie

The slides start with the general standard textbook description of such accounting systems and moves to the inclusion of monetary systems in the model (banking, finance, credit money creation).  This enhancement moves the modeling from a double entry sytem to a double entry system to account for all elements of the economy.  Much of the literature history is discussed.

2014 Stock Flow Consistent Modeling workshop from UMKC Economists


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