Stocks were mixed Friday despite cooler-than-expected inflation data, with the Dow logging a modest loss after Nike’s () weighed heavy. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq logged mediocre wins on the day, while for the week, all three indexes marked an eighth consecutive gain, with the seeing its since 2017.
Disruptions in the Red Sea helped oil futures to a weekly gain, despite a daily pullback for Friday’s session. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude for February delivery dropped 33 cents, or 0.5%, to settle at $73.56 a barrel. For the week, the commodity jumped 2.5%.The latest inflation reading and slipping Treasury yields sent gold surging for the day and week. February-dated gold futures added $17.80, or 0.9%, to settle at $2,069.10 per ounce on the day, and up 1.4% for the week.More By This Author: