Lights Out At Barclays’ Dark Pool: Volume Plummets By 79% From Highs

A week ago, when we commented on the latest publicly available data for Barclays’ fraud-embroiled LX dark pool, whose volume as we reported had tumbled 37% in the week of the lawsuit announcement, we said that the downward volume trend “is about to get a whole lot worse for Barclays as the trickle becomes an avalanche.” Sure enough, following today’s reported by Finra’s ATS database for the week of June 30, we find just that, and one can largely say lights out to Barclays LX operation, whose total shares traded plummeted from 197 million (and 312 million the week before) to a paltry 66.4 million, a two-week drop of 79% from its recent highs, putting it, in 12th total dark pool volume place, below ITG and above BIDS trading. So much for any ambitions of becoming America’s top dark pool. Last on the other hand…

The winners as Barclays is “Lehman’ed” – all other dark pools, including Sigma X, the proud backer of IEX and “market integrity.” Now: who’s next?

Source: Finra

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