Key Dates For Financial Astrology

I have been stressing the likely charade of the global elite, involving the Ukraine, to distract Americans, remove the dollar as reserve currency, only to replace it with some other distorted form of money, or digital currency.  The current scenario may have been worked out some time ago to divert attention from who is really orchestrating and choreographing this stage play.  About 1-1/2 years ago Obama was caught on a live microphone saying to Medvedev, “tell Vladamir I’ll have more flexibility after the (2012 presidential) election”.  We may be seeing these plans unfolding now, but perhaps everything is not going as planned!

There are three dates, and then a forth date, that I have stressed in past Astrology Updates.  They are:

January 16, 2014

April 16, 2014

October 12, 2014

November 5, 2014

I write about a lot of future dates, as long term subscribers know, they are key for certain cycles in the markets, as well as political turning points.  Some of these dates are more important than others and I try to stress that as best as possible without sounding over jealous.  When my very critical dates materialize the markets appear to be the ‘thumbs up, or down’ in terms of how the prevailing market participants view the global leaders management of events on these dates.   Sort of like a vote of confidence.  Last year there were critical dates that I wrote about in the Easter Sunday Astrology Update:

December 21, 2012

April 6, 2013

September 18, 2013

Looking back, we can acknowledge December 21, 2012 as the epic Mayan calendar date.  The following dates, April 6th was the death of Margaret Thatcher (she was known to have strong ties to the Russian Oligarchs), and September 18th marked the end of the unjust war attempt on Syria.  These dates were written in the heavens, as Saturn marked the return to the degree in Scorpio, a dispensation from July 4, 1984, as a block to an injustice and judgement for the global elite.  The failed war attempt brought humiliation to the president, his administration, and adviser Leon Panetta, while the markets gave a vote with the Dow Jones falling -870 points into the first week of October.

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