July 18th Binary Options Asset Insights

During the day on Monday, we have almost nothing to move the markets as far as economic announcements are concerned. With this being the case, the market should continue the way it has recently, and that being the case it’s very likely that a lot of the same trends will continue.

Deutsche Bank

Without a doubt one of the biggest “canaries in the coal mine” of the European Union is Deutsche Bank (DB) itself. There are a lot of concerns when it comes to the banking sector at the moment, and right now it looks as if even though we have had a bit of a rally from this recent bottom in the Deutsche Bank stock, without a doubt one has to believe that the put buyers are firmly in control and will be looking for opportunities to get involved again.



The EUR/USD pair initially tried to rally during the course of the day on Friday but turned right back around to form a slightly negative candle. With this, the market should continue to drift around between the 1.12 level on the top, and the 1.10 level on the bottom if recent history holds. At this point in time, it does look like there is a bit of negativity in this market, as the buyers return again and again.


Silver continues to tread water

Silver markets continue to tread water just above the $20 level, as we have seen quite a significant move higher and now it appears that we are starting to see a lot of consolidation. Typically, “consolidation leads continuation.” So having said this, call buyers seem to be coming back into the market every time we drift lower.

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