Improvement Forecast In GDP Per Capita

Many factors, including per capita GDP, affect Americans’ standard of living. Although CBO has not analyzed all of those factors or their effects, the agency projects that real GDP per capita will grow, on average, by about 2 percent per year between 2014 and 2017, when it is expected to return to its historical relationship with the economy’s potential output (see the table below).

CBO projects that, after 2017, real GDP will grow at the same rate as potential GDP—by an average of about 2¼ percent per year during the 2018–2024 period—because the agency does not attempt to predict the timing or magnitude of business cycle fluctuations in the economy so far into the future. With the population expected to grow by about 1 percent per year, real GDP per capita is projected to grow, on average, by about 1¼ percent per year between 2018 and 2024—a slower rate than the annual average rate of about 2 percent since 1950. That difference reflects CBO’s projection that real GDP will grow more slowly over the latter part of the projection period than it has in the past several decades, primarily because of slower growth of the labor force stemming from the retirement of the baby boom generation.


CBO’s Projections of Real GDP Per Capita, 2014 to 2024
(Thousands of 2009 dollars)  
  GDP Per Capita Percentage Change From Prior Year
2014 50.9   1.9  
2015 52.0   2.2  
2016 53.2   2.2  
2017 54.0   1.6  
2018 54.8   1.4  
2019 55.5   1.3  
2020 56.1   1.2  
2021 56.8   1.2  
2022 57.5   1.2  
2023 58.2   1.2  
2024 58.8   1.1  
Note: Projections are for the fourth quarter of each calendar year.
Real GDP = gross domestic product adjusted to remove the effects of inflation.

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