Impacts Of Inequality: Economic Stagnation

Does economic inequality lead to economic stagnation due to reduced consumer spending? This is the second article in my series on the economic impacts of inequality.

The poor spend most of their incomes, while the rich spend a much smaller portion of their incomes. If income shifts from poor to rich, total consumer spending could fall. In simple Keynesian models, this would reduce the overall level of income and production.

In my previous post I noted a report on the economic impacts of inequality written by economists from Standard and Poor’s. The S&P economists devote a good deal of attention to differing consumption patterns among different income classes, but they fail to look at the aggregate data. In reality, the savings rate is not rising; the portion of income that is spent remains much higher than it was 20 or 30 years ago.

The failure of the S&P economists to look at the savings rate, charted below, suggests that they might better spend their time rating mortgage-backed-securities. Or perhaps not.

One line of thinking is that people not at the top of the income distribution borrowed money to sustain their spending, including by taking out home equity loans after their homes had appreciated. This borrowing was not sustainable and contributed to the eventual bust.

This might possible lead a reader to be confused: does inequality lead to too little spending or to too much spending? The doom and gloom crowd seems to think that it does both at the same time, with disastrous consequences.

If excessive borrowing is our problem, it is easily solved by more careful attention to credit standards among by lenders. This is already happening, though public policy on the subject is split. Bank regulators want lenders to be more cautious, but Congress and the Administration continue to try to make credit more available to low income borrowers through programs such as FHA loans.

One must also wonder if a world with more equal incomes would be devoid of overly aggressive borrowing. During the housing boom, it seems that even people who had rising real incomes over-extended themselves in the purchase of real estate. The people whom I know who overextended were not so much desperate to maintain old living standards as they were overly optimistic about their potential gains. I haven’t seen evidence that a more equal society generates less optimism at the time of economic booms.

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