Icthus Shorts (Part 1)

It’s been said that there is an inverse correlation between the confidence a trader has and the outcome of whatever they are predicting. If that’s true, I should be awfully worried, because I am ungodly excited about what’s coming up very soon (probably next week). Simply stated, I think the floor is going to completely be removed from the market. Perhaps my good trading month in January is corrupting my thinking, but I don’t think so.

Anyway, instead of doing videos this weekend, I took the time (and it took a lot of time) to take images instead. I’ve got 88 – count ‘em – 88 positions. I have carefully selected my favorite 34 short positions and am sharing them on Slope: a little less than half of them for everyone, and a little more than half exclusively for my Slope+ readers (which, if you aren’t one, you should really consider joining  since, errr, I’m saving my very best ideas for posts for subscribers alone).

So on with the show………..presenting your wall of short charts!

















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