Two separate opinion polls show a very tight race between the Greek government’s NO proposal to a YES supporting the creditors’ proposal.
This keeps the tension intact.
- A poll commissioned by Bloomberg showed 43% for NO and 42.5% for YES. 14.5% say they don’t know. A 0.5% gap is within the margin of error. This is sample of around 1000 Greeks.
- Another poll conducted by ALCO for the Ethnos newspaper shows 44.8% for ES and 43.3% for no. 11.8% are undecided.
- A third poll conducted by AVGI shows a gap of about 0.5% between both sides. This is statistically insignificant.
The latest news related to Greece came from the IMF: they released a report painting a dark picture on Greece, including a need for a third bailout and most importantly, debt relief. This is what Greece has been asking for and Germany refused.
More updates:
- In a radio interview, Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis says the IMF report is music to his ears. He says the troika disagrees with one another.
- Tsakalotos says that a deal with creditors could be made on Tuesday.
- The EFSFÂ declared Greece is in default but does not ask for the money now.
- Tsipras said he wants a 30% haircut.
EUR/USD is trading at 1.11, up from 1.1090. These moves are minimal. It’s important to remember that US markets are on holiday later on.
It is going to be a very tense weekend in Greece. Capital controls are in place since Monday and it is unclear how much money is left in banks. The ECB capped ELA on Sunday and forced capital controls.