With all the commotion about the SNBomb, the elections in Greece have been sidelined from the headlines. However, a lot is happening there. Towards the January 25th elections, polling companies have been working hard to gauge the public. During this week, at least 7 polls were published.
All show a lead for opposition, anti-bailout, anti-austerity SYRIZA over the incumbent New Democracy. However, the lead varies significantly, and contrary to one earlier poll, none of them show an absolute majority in parliament for SYRIZA. Here are some numbers:
Reminder: the winning party gets an extra 50 seats in the 300 seat parliament. 151 seats is an absolute majority.
- Palamos Analysis: 34.5% for SYRIZA : New Democracy 29.0%, 5.5% lead. Seats in parliament: 144:79.
- Pulse RC: 34.5% : 31%, 3.5% lead, parliament: 142:81
- Metrisi: 34.3%:31.8%, 2.5% lead
- Alco: 36.4%: 32.4%, 4% lead
- Rass: 35.6%:32.1%, 3.5% lead
- PaMak: 34.5%:29.5%, 5% lead
- Interview: 34.5%:32.2%, 3.3% lead
Source: Wikipedia
- Greek bank withdrawals: never believe a rumor until it’s officially denied?
- Greek elections: One poll gives SYRIZA absolute majority in parliament