Greek crisis – it’s not a done deal yet – 3 updates

After the Greek parliament approved harsh austerity measures very late on Friday, it seemed that the road is paved for an approval by the various institutions: the Eurogroup, EU leaders and the IMF.

Not so fast: there may be hurdles, coming mostly from Berlin.

Update: Greek crisis: Various disagreements within Europe – chances for deal look low

  1. The German tabloid Bild, which has vehemently opposed Greek bailouts, reports that German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble says the Greek plans are insufficient.. His spokesman, Frank Paul Weber, has refused to comment on this but did say the result of the Eurogroup is “completely open”.
  2. The German paper Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reports that the Greek proposal may be a “good basis” but perhaps more measures may be needed.
  3. The Wall Street Journal reports that according to three European officials, Greece’s 53.3 billion euro bailout request may be insufficient and that the sum may balloon to 74 billion euros.

The Eurogroup Working Group, EWG is sitting on the Greek proposals and assessing them. The Eurogroup is expected to meet at the ministers’ level at 13:00 GMT and a press conference is currently scheduled for 20:00 GMT. A long day of discussions awaits.

The leaders are set to convene on Sunday.

Greek crisis – all the updates

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