Goldman Sachs Is Using Chinese Wall As A Beard For Tesla Conflict Of Interest

This isn`t the first time Goldman Sachs has tried to hide behind the notion of a “Chinese Wall” in a defense against an apparent conflict of interests. It is theoretically possible that this analyst operated in a complete vacuum at Goldman Sachs, but how likely is this fact given how interconnected Investment Banking activities are these days? 

We would have to believe that Goldman Sachs analyst Patrick Archambault is basically the most clueless, blind, deaf and mute employee who has no networking connections whatsoever at Goldman Sachs. Basically, persona non grata around the ole water cooler. Frankly, if he didn`t in fact know about this deal, he probably should be let go from the firm on that basis alone, how could he not be that clued in to the goings on within the firm? I mean seriously I bet secretaries at Goldman Sachs knew about this deal just by accident.

Video Length: 00:14:50

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