Gold’s Macro Fundamentals

Excerpted from the 31 page NFTRH 283 (dated 3.23.14), which also thoroughly analyzed the precious metals and several other markets from a technical standpoint.

Gold’s Macro Fundamentals


This spike in short-term yields (2-year shown) is what harpooned gold last week and finally got it under control.


More importantly, this spike in the 2-year vs. the 30-year really hurt gold.

These spikes predictably came as the FOMC successfully managed to get the market thinking about an end to the damaging Zero Interest Rate Policy, ZIRP.


Yes, it is that time again when the letter writer veers off course into a brain dump.  You, dear long time subscriber, have heard this before.  But for newer subscribers I feel a point needs to be made so that your expectations of this market report are well in line with its raison d’être.

This is not a ‘go gold!’, ‘got gold?’ style pump house.  Simply stated, I would rather live in a world where I do not feel gold is a necessary asset class.  I would rather live in a world where bureaucrats were not in control of interest rate functions and hence, to some degree in control of financial markets.

Under this interest rate manipulation, the concept of saving has been utterly torn apart in the United States via the now 5+ year old ZIRP.  If you do not speculate, you do not profit.  The problem is that the risks in speculation are rising with every lurch higher in the stock market and junk bonds, to name two of the primary beneficiaries.

So it’s everybody into the (risk) pool and everyone foolish enough to depend on savings… screw you.  So I [omitted, not for public consumption] because I continue to unwaveringly believe that this big macro operation, going in one form and degree of intensity or another since 2001, is little more a than racket to be unwound.

But if the moment were to come when I feel we really are on the right track – and folks, withdrawing ZIRP [could] theoretically at least be considered one component of ‘on the right track’ – this market report would simply move on from the precious metals sector because frankly, I find it a strange place inhabited by some strange people.

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