Gold enjoys Goldman

Not only foreign currencies enjoyed Goldman Sachs’ speculation about the new trillion dollar printing scheme – also precious metals, rallied. Gold reached new uncharted levels and also silver advanced forward.

When there’s talk about printing more dollars to stimulate the economy, the dollar weakens as too many dollars make the currency worth less. But for some people, other paper currencies aren’t enough and there are more real “safe haven” assets:

Gold and silver had monetary value in ancient times, and times of trouble, they rise. The price of gold crossed the $1265 peak reached in mid-June and peaked at $1274.47 before easing just under $1270.

Silver gaining traction

Naturally, the focus is on gold, but also the price of silver is advancing. After flirting with the psychological $20 number in the past week, today’s news completed the break higher and it peaked at almost $20.50. It now trades at $20.43.

Silver still isn’t at an all-time high. The highest level was recorded on March 17th 2008 – $21.34. This level, now less than a dollar away, is the key level to watch. A break above this figure will open the road to more significant gains.

In times of trouble, “paper gold” or “paper silver” aren’t enough for worried people – they prefer real gold. 4 months ago, I reported about the launch of Gold ATMs – automatic vending machines that sell physical gold. A look through the German company’s website doesn’t show any progress since then. But maybe now they have a chance of extending their business.

The Goldman Sachs’ speculation about the new trillion dollar printing scheme might be addressed at the upcoming FOMC meeting next week. We’ll see if the economy is indeed doing so bad. According the recent Non-Farm Payrolls, there is hope.

The notion of the moment is that the dollar is worth less – against other currencies and against solid gold and silver. This notion won’t necessarily continue.

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