Get Used to President Donald Trump – Markets Crash

The elections are all but over with a huge upset: Donald Trump is on track to enter the White House, and be the strongest person in the strongest country in the world. The victory was not totally unexpected, but still a big shock. It’s a matter of time until the narrowing path for Clinton fully closes and Trump wins the electoral college. Follow our live blog for the latest updates. FiveThirtyEight gives Trump higher and higher chances.

Trump wins. It’s official – markets devastated – all currency updates

  • US elections – all the update
  • US elections – updates on all broker limitations

Clinton may win the popular vote, but that doesn’t count. The reaction in financial markets is a total disaster:

  • Stock markets that are open are crashing
  • Futures of US markets are falling the most since Brexit
  • Oil prices are falling
  • The safe haven yen is shotting higher, and so is the Swiss franc.
  • America’s neighbors and (former?) trading partners are seeing their currencies plunge: the Canadian dollar alongside oil, and the Mexican peso, by double digits.
  • The US dollar is sliding against many other currencies, such as the euro. EUR/USD is breaking multiple lines of resistance but could still retreat later on.


  • USD/JPY: Watch For Japan’s Intervention On A Trump Win – Credit Agricole
  • How Would A Trump Presidency Affect USDCNY?

Here is the chart of USD/JPY:

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