GBP/USD crashes to 1.48 on Newcastle report, Opinium poll

Only a marginal victory for Remain, contrary to expectations. These predictions stood on around two thirds for Remain in Newcastle and the real result is only a marginal victory. Newcastle beat Sunderland as the first place to report in England. Gibrarltar reported first.

The Newcastle-upon-Tyne shows Remain: 65,404 (50.7%) and Leave: 63,598 (49.3%).

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Update: GBP/USD < 1.43 on Sunderland vote


And the remain camp has other troubles as well: a bigger than expected win for Leave is rumored in Sunderland. In addition, the odds for a Remain victory have fallen from the sky high of 90%.

And perhaps yet another blow came from the third poll: Opinium showed a very narrow lead for Leave, worse than the other polls that showed a win for Remain.

1.4798 has been the low for cable in the immediate aftermath and we are at 1.4835 at the time of writing. Volatility is very high. The tables have turned against the pound.

Support awaits at 1.4770, 1.4650 and 1.45.

The Orkney Island voted Remain, but this is a small area. We also expected news from Sundrland, Wandsworth and the City of London soon.


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