Forex Trading Platform MahiFX Launches Online FX Learning Resource

Forex exchange trading platform MahiFX launched its latest forex and metal trading resource “The FX Gym” on Monday.

The resource is an open-access education platform for forex traders, providing several materials to traders with different levels of expertise- from novices to experienced traders- to help them hone their trading skills and navigate their way through the turbulent currency markets, said the company in a press release.

FX Gym covers topics such as using leverage properly, risk management principles and how to understand various technical indicators in the forex market.

“Structured, inflexible, one-size-fits-all courses do not provide sufficient flexibility to accommodate hectic schedules,” explained Susan Cooney, MahiFX co-founder. “The FX Gym offers a more laidback and individualised approach to learning, lowering the barriers to trading through providing traders with the opportunity to explore different topics at their own pace and to fit their learning around work and family life commitments.”


The company intends to expand the list of courses offered by seeking input from traders on topics that they would like to have incorporated into the program. The training and education section will be available for free, though traders will have the opportunity to subscribe to signals and alerts from excellent traders of their own choosing for a fee.

The feature will not only allow novice traders to subscribe to signals from the winning traders only, but will also allow accomplished traders to offer their services in exchange for payments from the individual traders.

The MahiFX trading platform can be used on web, desktop, mobile and MT4 trading that claims to have risk-management technology and fast execution speeds. To register for a free 2-week subscription to ForexMinute Premium Plan, visit

To contact the reporter of this story; Yashu Gola at

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