Forex Strength And Comparison For Week 51 / 2016

In the Currency Strength table the USD was the strongest currency while the JPY was the weakest. All the currencies are more or less at the same level as last week except for the CHF which gained 3 points and the NZD which lost 4 points. The CAD remains strong for the last 3 weeks with a score of 7.


13 Weeks Currency Score Strength

The 13 Weeks Currency Strength and the 13 Weeks Average are provided here below. This data and the “13 weeks Currency Classification” are considered for deciding on the preferred range. 

  1. First of all the strength over a period of the last 13 weeks is considered. See each row for more information.
  2. Next the 13 weeks average is considered, see the last row called “Avg. 13 wks.”
  3. The number of weeks that a currency was stronger than another currency can also be considered.
  4. The Technical Analysis (TA) Charts for each Time Frame could also be consulted.


      For analyzing the best pairs to trade looking from a longer term perspective the last 13 weeks Currency Classification can be used in support.
      This was updated on 18 December 2016 and is provided here for reference purposes: 
      Strong: USD, NZD. The preferred range is from 7 to 8.
      Neutral: JPY, CHF, AUD, CAD. The preferred range is from 3 to 6.
      Weak: EUR, GBP. The preferred range is from 1 to 2.

      When looking at the Average 13 wks. Score all the currencies are within their range. The USD is the strongest of all while the GPB is the weakest. The CAD has become a Neutral currency and as can be seen all the Neutral currencies are around an Average 13 wks. Score of  4 to 5. The CAD is the weakest and the AUD the strongest of the Neutral currencies.


      The Strong Currencies + CAD

      The NZD lost a lot of strength in the last week while the CAD is now in the area of Strong currencies. The USD remains very strong.
      Below you can see the Weekly Currency Score Chart with the 6 months data as a reference.

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