Forex Crunch Key Metrics February 2012

After a very abnormal January, February saw a return to normal, and was generally a good month. A nice advance in page views per visit was seen.

The special report about Greece and the forex quarterly outlook also contributed to traffic and to growth in the mailing list.

While February saw a drop in comparison with the crazy January, it saw more pageviews than in February 2011. I hope that March will see growth thanks to two more days in the calendar, and also organic growth.

February 2012 numbers:

  • Page Views: 320,989
  • Visits: 143,027 .
  • Visitors: 59,980.
  • Time on Site: 2:51.
  • Average Pageviews: 2.24.
  • Bounce Rate: 54.12%
  • RSS Subscribers: 4,727 (February 28).
  • Newsletter subscribers: 6,669.

Here are the figures for January, And here are December’s numbers.

I hope you enjoy Forex Crunch. You can follow the site via email or RSS.

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