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One of the asset classes I get the most requests to do an interview on is farmland.It’s a form of real estate investment that yields cash flow by producing commodities — all attractive qualities to investors worried about inflation and/or the loss of purchasing power of fiat currencies.But how does it perform vs other asset classes?And how does one invest in farmland without being forced to become a farmer?For answers, we’re fortunate to talk today with Craig Wichner, Managing Director of Farmland LP, which manages over 15,000 acres, farming them sustainably at scale.Video Length: 01:11:48More By This Author:Debate On “Peak Cheap Oil”: Fact Or Overblown Fear?Housing Market To Suffer ‘Aggregate Price Decline’ This YearThe Fed Fears A Liquidity Crisis More Than An Inflationary One
Farmland’s Long Term Return Beats Stocks & Bonds. Here’s How To Invest In It