Euro-zone inflation confirmed at low levels

Prices have risen at an annual rate of 1.2% in the euro-zone. The official CPI confirms the early, flash read, as expected. Core CPI dropped from 1.5% to 1%, also as expected. The figures show that the ECB has more room for monetary stimulus.

The euro-zone also released the trade balance numbers, and the surplus is higher than expected: 18.7 billion euros instead of 11.8 predicted. The previous month saw a surplus of 12.7 billion. Germany is the dominant factor behind the wider surplus.

EUR/USD is edging a bit higher, but not going anywhere fast: it trades at 1.2869, depressed under resistance at 1.2880. Theses releases balance each other.

For more, see the EUR/USD forecast. Here is a live chart of euro/dollar:

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