Eric Ben-Artzi: Another Whistleblower Who Was Fired

Recently Deutsche Bank surprised the markets by pre-releasing its earnings with a surprise loss of 1.5 billion Euros.

Do you think that the bank may have been previously mismarking positions or, in layman’s terms, ‘cooking the books’ and is just now playing catch up given that the stock price of the bank has rebounded? Does that sound like a practice that some might define as ‘pump and dump’? You think?

What happened to the individual who brought attention and exposure to Deutsche Bank’s financial chicanery? Let’s meet another whistleblower who received a pink slip, in this case Eric Ben-Artzi, who spoke recently at Auburn University.

This brief 3-minute clip highlights his story and the work of the Government Accountability Project to protect whistleblowers., GA News Weather

So let’s add Ben-Artzi’s name to the many other whistleblowers I highlight in my book who have been ignored, intimidated, or fired.

Think we might need a separate Office of Whistleblower Protection so that all these individual whistleblowers who have tried to do the right thing do not suffer at the hands of regulators and judicial officials who are in bed with the industry?

I do.

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