E Today’s DailyTalk

Reasearchers at Oregon Health & Science University’s Knight Cancer Institute stopped a double blind study of a new drug for prostate cancer. Patients in the placebo group were switched to the real drug, Enzalutamide, because the results were so impressive. Enzalutamide is hormone-based pill which causes very few side effects. Look out Dendreon. (OHSU develops promising prostate cancer drug).

Read this with a glass of wine and think about how to invest in an upcoming shortage. Ideas? (Drink it while you can, as study points to looming wine shortage.)

To the rescue of troubled HealthCare.gov: Google, Oracle and Red Hat. Experts at these companies are used to fixing big problems. (Google, Oracle, Red Hat experts to help fix Obamacare website.)

Meanwhile, the G.O.P. unveils its own health-care website, Emergencyroom.com. Only number to remember: 911. (That’s a joke.)

Can you learn anything from big trading loses? James Altucher thinks you can because he did (12 or 13 Things I Learned About Life From Daytrading Millions of Dollars).

Joshua Brown argues that Karl Marx had it wrong when he said that religion was the opiate of the masses. No, no, portfolio gains are.

Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest money manager, admits there are ‘Bubble-Like Markets Again.’ Blames the Federal Reserve for contributing.

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard writes, “If we ever need more QE it should go straight into the veins of the economy by direct deficit financing of big investment projects (fiscal dominance) and damn the torpedoes, and the taboos. Just print money to build houses for the poor, and solve two problems at once…” (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard.)

Optimism, complacency and the S&P reaching new highs. “Strategas explains: Investors around the globe ‘left our team warmly wrapped in the blanket of near-universal optimism’ during recent client visits…” But then again, optimism could be risky. ((

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