Don’t Worry, Deutsche Bank Only Down 16%

The ECB will not allow a crash. That I can assure you. So please ignore the following Tweet.

In support of my comforting viewpoint on what the ECB will or will not allow, I present the following concrete evidence.

Deutsche Bank Weekly Chart

DB 2016-06-23


Please don’t worry about any of that, just focus on the bigger picture.

DB 2016-06-23A



I am not quite sure that is the picture I want to present to support my “don’t worry” case.

I have comforting news somewhere. Oh, here it is. I found it.

Deutsche Bank’s Derivatives Casino

Please consider my April 15 post Investigating Deutsche Bank’s €21 Trillion Derivative Casino in Wake of Admission it Rigged Gold and Silver.

I made a slight error in that article so here is an update.

DB 2016-06-23B



There’s nothing at all to worry about.

As of its 2015 annual report, Deutsche Bank had a mere €32.87 trillion position in interest rate derivatives and a minuscule €6.3 trillion position in currency derivatives.

What can possibly go wrong with that?

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