Dissecting The Dow For General Market Direction: MCD, MMM, MRK, MSFT And NKE

After review (Dissecting) of the Dow 30 component Companies, these five Companies are among those that contribute to the suggestion that the very old Bull General Market is continuing to deteriorate. Yes, there are rallies and pull-backs, but this stalwart Indicator, along with my S&P 1,500 Composite Index continues, to show deterioration. The topping process for a multi-year bull market is always a slow one. It therefore requires much patience and discipline. Doing your homework / analytics each day over the years helps more than you might think.

Forecasting the General Market for me is fun. I use my Cycle Analysis and Forecasting Methodology along with the 30 Dow Industrial Component Companies and their respective Industry Groups. I use the same procedures with several broader based indices for verification and comparative analytics. With a brief narrative and rather simple graphics / charts, I will attempt to share how I go about getting consistently positive asset management results.

My most current monthly composite article with a table for all 30 of the Dow Companies can be read here.

My Unique Dow Chart w/ Commodities and My I. P. Counts

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Click to View

I update the above Graphic / Chart every Saturday morning.

Percent Chart for Perspective

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Click to View

Combining my Fundamental Valuations with my unique Technical Analysis always provides a clear perspective of the Best of the Best for Bullish Cycles (Favorable) and the Worst of the Worst for Bearish Cycles (Un-Favorable). The “Also Rans”, which are to be avoided, are also spelled out quite clearly.

How come four of these companies are up 30% to 50% and McDonalds is flat? There are clear calculable reasons that tell that story well ahead of taking positions if you use these tools and a few others every day.

Market Status with a Dow 30 Industrials Focus

The Dow 30 Industrials is an excellent bellwether of the direction of the General Market. I hope you will find through my flow of articles, as I have over many years, that my use of these 30 Companies tells us all the direction of the Marketplace – very, very well. It just takes a lot of work.

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